The Mermaid since time immemorial has fascinated us Earthlings and we have carved her entrancing figure into our churches, our stories, our movies and our lives. As a small child Carol Worthey longed to meet one of these Denizens of the Deep, but never expected that they might actually exist. Imagine her amazement when she spotted a fiery-tailed Mermaid during a visit to a tropical isle! And so a special friendship was formed that has led the artist to seek out these magical creatures on a quest to uncover the secrets of their allure and their mysterious history. Having learned much from her friends about their Mermaid Ways and language, "Carola" (as they call her) has been granted the unique honor of being the Official Portrait Painter for Mermaids of the World! May these portraits, accurate down to the smallest details, be a resource for Mermaid Lovers and Collectors around the globe. Welcome to Mermaid Mystique!
Rima the Harpist. Every once in a long while twins are born to a mermaid family, but that is rare and considered a sign of magic and good fortune. These two beautiful "Mathoosi" twins (Mermaids, or in their language "Mother-Ocean-Folk") swim in the warm, inviting waters of the Mediterranean, so they need not weave (from seaweed strands as northern mermaids do) cloth to cover their tops --- they know not of our modesty. Each twin has a special name: The twin blowing her conch shell horn is named "Zahara". Her Mother once met a handsome desert dweller who said he came from the Sahara and blew her Mother kisses from the shore. The twin plucking a shell-harp is named "Rima", for her Mother once fetched a waterlogged page from an old book, then returned it to the sand and saw an earth-child pick the paper up and say, "Oh, Rima from Green Mansions... I love that story."
The twins love to play music and hide and seek among the water-ferns. They each have mascots and guardians who have become their constant companions: both Rima and Zahara each have dancing twin starfish and one adoring sea horse mascot for each twin who warn them about the approach of man-boats or sharks. Attracted by their heartfelt music, a school of fish bearing blood-red hearts on their fish scales swim in time to the tunes. These are Bleeding Heart Tetras, who have traveled far from their usual waters in search of music to soothe their sorrows. Golden-orange Platys with humorous smiles, well-known to the Mathoosi for their practical jokes, swim close to each twin too. And recently arrived from their homeland, the isle of Sardinia, a troupe of sardines march in formation in time to the horn and harp.
And what music it is! Rima and Zahara were wee youngsters of only eighty-five during the Renaissance when art, science and music flourished in Italy, France and all the places encircling their warm Mediterranean ocean home. How they loved to dart between the gondolas in Venice or blow bubbles onto Grecian statues by the shore. The mischievous twins even befriended Venuthia, a gorgeous fullgrown Mermaid who surfed on a giant clam shell into the bay of Florence one day, sprouted legs and even had her portrait painted by famous Renaissance painter Botticelli... who mispronounced her name and called her "Venus." To bring back these glory days of the Renaissance is the mission of these graceful twins (who kindly consented to pose for their portraits, popping up out of the waters every once in a while to admire the Ponte Vecchio --- Didn't you know I went to Florence this past Christmastime to paint? Now you have it!)
But there's more magic to this tale: Most mermaids have the power to send their dreams wafting into the very dreams of earth people ("Leggers" as they call us). And so one night I dreamt I heard the twins playing a powerful, rousing tune, a Fanfare. A "fanfare" is an exciting kind of music played for special occasions when kings enter or armies return triumphant. Rima and Zahara played their song to me in my sleep and I dreamt it (and that, dear friends, is true). The next morning as the three of us sat sipping salted tea from seashells, Rima explained to me, "We think it's time for a New Renaissance!" And Zahara, reaching for a seaweed sandwich, agreed, adding, ""You Leggers spend entirely too much time killing each other off (leave alone us fishy folk) and music, dance, painting and wonderful stories are a lot more fun to create than war." (Zahara has always been more talkative.) Now what I am about to share with you is quite magical: If you listen hard enough and put your Imagination right up close to the paintings, you too can hear "Fanfare for The New Renaissance"! It's a dream I hope you share.
Another magical thing about my portraits of Rima and Zahara is that you can place either painting to one side or the other, Left or Right, and every swirl of water or dancing school of fish will flow perfectly EITHER WAY you place the Mermaids. This is just because I was able to capture the personalities of the twins: Sometimes they like to face outward to the world playing their music and getting us to start to believe a New Renaissance is possible. And other times they like to face each other, feeling the intimate bond that only twins feel with each other. Try them either way and see what I mean! It's really Mermaid-Magic!
Can you hear the music?